Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Proselitisimo and a Sunburn

Hola mi familia y amigos!! 

Well hello there! I feel like so many things have happend since the last time I wrote so I will try my best to tell you everything! I am sorry my emails are always jumbled but my mind works that way!!

On Saturday morning we went Proselitismo. We drove to a random part of Bogota and when we got out we looked at the teachers for instructions and they just laughed at us and said "Adios!!!!" How scary is that?!?! I actually had a really hard time with it. I could understand most of what everyone was saying but I couldn't respond!!!! I felt like I couldn't help them in the way I needed to because I don't speak Spanish...  I was so frustrated. Other people were talking about the wonderful conversations they had and I had pretty much the same conversation will all of my contacts! It helped me realize that I really need to work on speaking the language. I did have to stop myself and tell myself that I am doing really well! I have only been here for 4 weeks and I could understand what they were saying! That is pretty amazing. We ended up getting 11 contacts 3 others who soudned really interested in attending church. I really hope that things work out for them!!

On Sunday my district sang in Sacrament meeting!  We sand Ye Elders of Isreal in Spanish and it was a really cool experience! Just picture 14 North Americans singing that song in Spanish. It was really powerful and I am glad that I got to be a part of it. They asked for a couple of us to plan a song fornext Sunday so I may be doing it again!! I am excited and I love singing in Spanish.

On Sundays we have Deep Doctrine with Presidente Dyer. He teaches us about the Plan of Salvation in amazing depth and answers all of our deep questions as best as he can. It is the most amazing part of the whole week!! The only bad part is that he gets excited and sometimes talks until10:30pm... Sunday nights we don't get a lot of sleep! It is amazing though and it is so fun to read about the deep doctrine in the scriptures and then discuss it. 

Today we went to the temple which was amazing as usual! I love going! It was just the 18 North Americans that are here so it was nice and small. After that my district went touring!!! It was such a cool experience. We went to a Gold museum and looked at a lot of Gold artifacts that they have found here. Then we went up a Gondola to the top of a mountain and saw a Catholic church and amazing scenery. It has been a crazy busy day!! After I finish writing we will just watch 17 Miracles and then go to bed. Oh! Today while we were outside it poured. Litterally. I have never seen such large raindrops in my life!! Good thing I had my umbrella!

Tomorrow I get my Latina Companion!! I am sorry to say that I am extremely nervous. Chances are she won't speak any English. This will help me a lot with Spanish though! Practice makes perfect after all. I learned this evening that my companion is coming from Peru!!! I am so excited! The Peruvians are the second easiest people to understand in South America!! Wish me luck this week because it is going to be really hard.

I love you all so much! I hope you are all doing well. Remember that the church is true and that the Lord will help you with everything!!! 

Love your Bolivian Missionary,

Hermana Clarissa Morey

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